Male side of Opa's side of the family (other than uncle Odd)
Uncle Bjorne you don't know shit all. So you can STFU
Male side of Opa's side of the family (other than uncle Odd)
Uncle Bjorne you don't know shit all. So you can STFU
Thor, i don't feel like i can call you Opa anymore 'cause of all this shit you've done. I feel ashamed to call you family.
You let your friend molest my mother, and you laugh. You did this many times.
and now you're bringing in other people, who is bringing in even more
do you realize what the hell you've done?
and you say that you helped support her, and you were the best father could be? My fucking ass.
Learn to be a fucking man, keep shit to yourself, between the people that should be involved not the whole god damn fucking family. You piece of shit. I hope you burn in hell. No, better yet. I hope someone makes you feel the way you made my mother and her cousin feel. Then go through the pain of you telling them they're lying. You.. i can't even explain how horribly i feel for you. How i just want you to die, and never cause this hurt on my mother EVER AGAIN.
On other news, Paul came over to the house.
I was at school, neighbour told him that she's suppose to call the cops if she sees him here, he kinda left. Tried to be all "friendly" with her, saying he just wanted to see if the cat was around, and that he wants a divorce so he can "get on with his life." Yea, whatever.
Neighbour called her add, who went to my mom's work, told her. My sister went to their house after school so she wasn't alone.
She sent me a message on facebook, just incase i would be on at school
(The one time i'm not..)
Told another friend, she told me get a gun and a baseball bat. Freakin' Americans. Guns don't just come out of thin air. and like, seriously?
I babysat Crystal the other night, too. For four hours. It wasn't too bad, i felt kinda awkward, though. I was so tired at the end of it, though. And i was only their till midnight.
Ugh, thank goodness their my neighbours.
I kind of love that baby. <33>
I'm frustrated.
I'm sick.
I'm hurting.
I feel all -blah-.