I don't know. I'm back to spending all my time in my room. Isolating myself.
I'm not even really eating again.
Which is great for weight loss. But eh.
I was bad.
(possible tmi. But no one but my mom knows and I have to air it)
I have my first yeast infection.
I didn't go to the doctor.. I know. Dumb.
But I'm 149075% positive that's what it is. I start the medicine tonight.
School is over next week. Monday and Tuesday are finals. The 21st in my provincial. THEN on the 24th is the Beatles impersonator concert. Do excited.
Silly nice guys and living so far away. I mean, who needs guy in my actual country?
Apparently not me. Damn living in the age of technology. It's curse and a blessing.
I'm lonely. So I decided to isolate myself more. Meh.
I feel fat and ugly.
I'll pretty much stop eating.
Ugh. I'm such a whiney teen. I should grow up. Smell the roses.
So I found this app, lockerz. It's cool. I've found some pretty cool stuff on there. I wish I could pull off the hair/clothes. And I wish I had the money.
But eh. Whatever.
Soo.. 5th day of talking to a certain fellow. Who lives in damn Georgia. Fuck. whatever.
Better than no one.
Yep. Back to my lonely shower.
Maybe I'll feel better later.