To start it off, I went to Lethbridge with my art class to go check out a gallery/the university and do some shopping.
The Gallery was really boring, 90% of the university stuff was kind of dull but shopping and coming home was pretty fun.
So, I'm not sure if I mentioned my new love for hockey in my last post, but I have really gotten into it this year. I missed last night's game because of being away in Lethbridge but I went to their first, which was great. Fire works went off and everything for the banners and the showing of the trophy and all that.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned how my favourite players last year were number 25 and 7.
Well, King (7) had to retire since he turned 20 (silly WHL rules). So I got a new favourite, number 3.
He was one of my favourites probably just because he was in my math class (kind of cute) and I don't know… closer to my age.
Well, my friend added him on facebook just for shits and giggles when I mentioned I wanted to get the guts up to talk to him, he added her.
My other friend added him too.
He added her.
I added him, he added me…
But here's the kicker.
He deleted me.
Not them, just me.
I'm unsure as to why.
He just did, so now my little hope of ever talking to him has gone down the drain.
What can I say, I'm easily discouraged?
Its kind of mind blowing just how disappointed I am about this.
I mean, it's not like I ever got to know him or anything. It was all sort of a day dream.
God dammit.
I don't see why I bother with actually having hope for talking to a guy.
My insecurities always seem to get in the way.
Or maybe my insecurities are legit flaws that everyone else seems to dislike too.
Who knows.
Either way, this disappoints me. Now I have to go and see if I can find some guy that catches my eye. Hopefully another hockey player. Their height and such just… <3
Yea, not much is new beside my slight slap in the face.
I did a french and biology test today.
I'm not sure if I'm doing my math test tomorrow or what, the teacher seems to have forgotten about it.
Apparently Mme. Bedard has missed a lot of school because she has been getting tested to see why she can't get pregnant. Which would explain a lot.
We also had a big class discussion of how we all need to grow up and actually try in class along with not complaining as much about every little thing.
Yep, I think that's it.
I'm going to go be a melodramatic teenager somewhere else.