Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fourty; So much

Has gone on!

A) I got my nose pierced

B) Mum got pissed off at my sister's teachers
C) I did my provincial (not sure if i told you)

D)Internet dude has a crush on me

E) New semester has started

A) Yep, do ya like it?

I do.
It apparently looks really natural on me, and everyone's already used to it.
I was pretty stoked.
Out of all my piercings it got the most reaction, though
But the least amount of shock.

They're doing stuff about smoking.
And you know how my dad died of lung cancer..

Well.. yea
the school knows, but we NEVER got ANY form of warning, just incase Breanna had a bad response..
So they finally called today, since Breanna mentioned to her teacher that mum was going to send them a letter about not telling giving us a warning.
They're watching a movie about how smoking can effect a family/life/everything
She's lived through that
and she continues to face the horrors of what smoking can do
do you really want to make my nine year old sister live through it


have to remember this AGAIN?

you all need to grow a set and send a letter home, you never know what the hell can happen
maybe some kid's granpa just died from lung cancer.
fucking asshats.

think i did real bad.
I didn't learn like, any of that stuff.

At all.

D)Yep, his name is Joe.
I'm assuming.
Since that's his "username"

Yea, he's pretty cool.
But you know how it is.

E) It's true.
I have Psychology, Socials, English, and then Math.
Psych is pretty awesome,

socials is well.. socials
English is pretty awesome


but then, i suck at math so..

I went to the counsellor's.
I told him i can't be alone with men, i don't trust men, i have a phobia of men
and that i have REALLY low self esteem
and that my pediatrition called me fat
and so on and so forth
you know what he says?

"When ever i come to get you, you always have a big smile on your face. You're a nice, sweet, personable girl and i don't see why anyone would treat you anything but nice"

or something
personable is what i really remember and a big smile

i was in near tears everytime he said something nice about me..
I'm.. it..

I wish others could see me as he does.

I'm listening to All I know by Five For Fighting
I'm in near tears, here.
I mean i don't really like it 'cause it's like violin sax and piano
but it's so.. beautiful..



proud of me?

I am :)

It's a pretty awesome thing.
I suck at texting, so many typos.


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