Sorry guys! I just haven't gotten around to posting.
Plenty has gone on, and I'm not sure what i posted about last time…
So forgive me if tell you about some stuff again.
all right
So, there was a horrific car accident about 12 km out of town.
A 17 year old girl, Ally, passed away.
I saw her nearly everyday.
I remember when I first saw her, she had such a long torso and wore a yellow shirt.
She was so beautiful, I remember just being astounded by it.
I guess the saying "Only the good die young" is true, in this case.
it blows my mind how the truck that her car collided with sustained such little damage. Where she died and her friend sustained a few scratches and bruises. Life is a cruel thing.
May you Rest In Peace, Ally.
(The picture is of the car she was in)
I just got home from Calgary yesterday.
Why was I born into a family where both sides just view my siblings and I as "those kids"?
Why can't we be loved like the rest of them? What did we do?
Besides the favoritism and such, it was a pretty good trip.
We were stuck inside for most of the days we were there, since Nana hurt herself and Aunty Faye was at work.
I ended up hitting some wicked sales so I ended up buying a lot of things.
Now I'm just going to go get some new socks/tights/other things along those lines.
I bought a skirt, I'm pretty excited to wear it.
I need to do laundry, since I ended up wearing a decent amount of my new clothes.
Ahh, we need to fix our washing machine.
Who have a washing machine like mine, anyway.
Make sure to clean out that one thing…
In the washing machine, not the dryer.
It collects pet fur, candy wrappers, etc.
Our washing machine is now on the brink of dying.
I got a job at Tim Hortons.
I'm excited, but so scared.
I mean, it's my first job and I don't know anyone who works there…
Aw well.
It's a paycheck.
On Wednesday I have an appointment with Lakisha
Oh Thursday I work with Kelly from 6:45 to whenever the hell we finish
THEN on Friday I start work at Timmy's.
This is going to be intense.
The money I make from working with Kelly will be the beginning of my Calgary fund.
And it will also go to buying new underwear/socks/etc
WHOLE new wardrobe for school, please.
Yea so, I'm kind of nervous about booking time off.
I have to go to my cousin's wedding thing-y in November.
Which is in Calgary..
So I have to miss school, and work.
Aw well…
I haven't spoken to Joe at all.
I'm pretty okay with that, which is odd.
I'm just hoping I find an awesome guy in some of my new classes, this year.
Most of my classes don't involve like, any of my friends.
Which is great, but horrible all in one.
I love the fact I get to meet new people, but I'm kind of scared since I'm kind of shy.
I don't do well with just walking over to someone and being like "Hey, what's up?"
So, I don't know how this will go over.
I'll just keep my fingers and toes crossed that there are some nice guys in there.
Then, there is my mom, we don't have any news yet and no test have been done yet, either.
Which, to be honest, is really scary.
Did I tell you guys that she may have MS?
Or was it just that I thought she was having a heart attack?
Well, either way, she may have MS and I'm horrified of what could happen.
Lakisha is of no help, she just tells me that there's no things coming out, it doesn't always end badly.
I mean, I know that, I know she's trying to help.
But I want someone realistic. I want someone to sit me down and be like, k say this what is going to happen, these are your options.
I need structure. I want to know my possibilities I don't want to walk into the unknown.
Whatever, I can handle it. I have to.
Veronica and I still don't talk.
Sam is moving away for the year (maybe two)?
Just because she can, because she wants to.
Brittany and Kaitlyn are on the outs.
Which sucks for me, what can I do?
Be the monkey in the middle?
No srsly. I love you guys anyway...
OH my glasses came in!
They're pretty dandy.
I like them but it's taking some time to get used to them.
They kind of hurt my head.
But that's okay, i'll get over it.
for my cousin's wedding like thing, my dad's ex wife will be there.
I was so upset when I found that out.
UGH. Hate that women.
Despise her.
Speaking of ex's;
Paul's fuck buddy got a job at Pharmasave.. or Shoppers…
One of the two.
We go in purposely just to feel her hateful glare.
I've been back into make up.
I ordered the 120 pallet edition 1 from BHCosmetics (http://www.bhcosmetics.com/) - LOVE!
I ordered the 100 pallet from Elf/Eyes Lips Face (http://www.eyeslipsface.com/) and the 12 piece essential brushes. The eyeshadow wasn't bad, not too pigmented which can be good. I use it for my more natural looks than I do with BH. The Brushes, on the other hand, kind of sucked. Well, one did. My eyeshadow brush broke, after maybe a few weeks of having it. I was thoroughly disappointed.
I then ordered some stuff from Coastal Scents (http://www.coastalscents.com), a few testers mostly. I have yet to try them, since I can't get into the testers for the eyeshadows and I haven't gotten around to trying the foundations. I'm definitely in love with the dual shadow pencil. I got it in Celestial Moon. IT IS AMAZING!
I think that's about it…
In total I spent around $100
And I'm only a little bit regretting it on certain things.
I started watching the series The Nine Lives Of Chloe King, and really enjoyed it. So I bought the book. The book and the show are sooo different! I was kind of surprised with just how MUCH they did change. Aw well, they are both really good anyway.
It's taken me around an hour to type this out, and get all my thoughts together.
Goodness, I should make sure I post more regularly so I don't end up making such long posts!
That and when you try and change the text colour.. it decided to hate you and be like "ahaha no"
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